Rose is a high-end wedding photographer. Her style is nostalgic and cinematic. I worked with her to create copy as luxury as her photography for her Tonic website. The copy I created led to a boom in the destination wedding photography side of her business. In this blog post, I walk you through the process I used to create luxe brand messaging with Rose’s ideal clients in mind.

A Wedding Photographer’s Vision for a Luxe Tonic Website 

When Rose came to me, she had hit a turning point with her business. Her skills and client experience had developed significantly. She wanted to give her business an overhaul to reflect that. That meant

  • Raising her prices
  • Attracting destination wedding clients 
  • Highlighting the romantic, timeless storytelling in her photos

She knew that to make that happen, she needed to elevate her messaging on her Tonic website. This was really smart on Rose’s part. The quality of your website copy directly impacts the quality of leads that it draws. If you want to attract luxury clients, your copy and messaging needs to feel high-end.

The above the fold copy of a Tonic website for a photographer

The Luxury Brand Messaging Process

Before I started writing copy for Rose’s Tonic website, I held an initial call. We explored the big picture behind her brand. My questions took us deep into Rose’s why, her ideal clients, and the things she loved most about serving them. We even discussed what aspects of her photography style she wanted to emphasize.

I always kick off my 2-Week Web Copy services with a call like this. It gives me insight into what will become the heart of your brand messaging. Learn more about 2-Week Web Copy here.

After our first call, I took everything Rose and I discussed and turned it into a Brand Voice Guide. The Brand Voice Guide includes:

  • Messaging 
  • Ideal client profiles
  • Taglines 
  • Example copy
  • A word bank

The Brand Voice Guide was the perfect place to start in creating copy that reflected luxury, artistry, and emotional connection. I crafted it all with Rose’s ideal clients in mind while also retaining her authentic personality. Rose’s reaction to the Brand Voice Guide was amazing! It’s such a great way to build the foundation of a web copy project.

The Brand Voice Guide also gave me the opportunity to work through differentiation. There are plenty of luxury wedding photographers on the market. How could I make Rose’s Tonic website stand out? 

The answer came down to pulling out the aspects of her why and work that resonate with her ideal clients. For Rose’s brand, that includes:

  • Travel, especially to Europe
  • Romantic novels and films
  • Intentional service
A wedding photographer holds a glass of champagne on her about page made with a Tonic website template.

High-End Brand Voice Highlights

I crafted the copy for Rose’s Tonic website to give visitors the feeling of a windswept romance among cobblestone streets. Here are some highlights from the Brand Voice Guide.

My favorite taglines and bold statements include:

  • Artfully documenting human connection
  • Photography that holds the beauty of human connection
  • Lyrical images as romantic as your relationship  

Luxury words and phrases from Rose’s word bank:

  • Intentional
  • Artistry
  • Film 
  • Deeply 
  • Curate 
  • Milieu 
  • Lyrical 
  • Gilded 
  • Ethereal 
  • Evoke 

These words go far in creating an entire atmosphere for a potential client. They resonate with the clients Rose loves working with.

SEO Strategy Built In

Some copywriters would stop there, but I knew Rose’s Tonic website needed one more thing: an SEO keyword strategy. I incorporate SEO into all web copy and blogging for my clients. It gives you the best chance of getting found on Google. What good does high-end copy do if no one can find you?

To that end, I include my Web Copy Implementation Guide in my 2-Week Web Copy package. It includes checklists and instructions to help you get the most out of the keywords embedded in your web copy.

Below the fold copy for a wedding photography website made with a Tonic template

The Impact of Rose Refined Website

Without a doubt, Rose’s new website copy had a big impact on her marketing. Her Tonic website quickly started drawing destination weddings. In fact, she had so many in one year that she figured out her limit for international travel! It was a good problem to have.

After we worked together, Rose shared how much she loved Brandcendent’s process. She said: “The communication was very clear. I really appreciated the intentionality and the thought-provoking questions on our initial call. It felt so great to be heard and encouraged to think outside of the box so you could create copy that really showed what I am trying to do.

“I have already told so many people about this experience and hope you all can work magic on their brands as well!”

I’m so glad this process worked well for Rose. Over the years, I’ve worked hard to create an adaptable experience that feels supportive for entrepreneurs of many neurotypes. The balance of structure and choice makes this web copy experience exciting for many people. 

Your Tonic Website Copy

Are you looking for web copy that’s as elevated as the services you provide? Whether you’re building a Tonic website or working on another platform, Brandcendent can help. I’ll create unique, refined messaging with built-in SEO. Let’s connect you with aligned clients! Fill out this application to get on the calendar.

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