Unlock Your Business Potential with a Hyper-focus Week


Are you ready to elevate your business without feeling like a sellout or driving yourself to burnout? I’m Theo Nash, a queer and trans wedding photographer and industry educator, dedicated to helping other businesses thrive in ethical and fulfilling ways. I’m thrilled to introduce my latest mentoring offer: Half-Day Intensives.

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In these personalized, half-day sessions, we’ll take a deep dive into your business. Bring your full self and your full business—this is a non-judgmental space where we’ll explore what’s working and what’s not. Our time together is flexible, and we will focus on what you need most. For a typical session, we will follow a powerful four-step process:

A tailored approach to Business Refresh.

What’s Included in Your
 Hyper Focus Week?

Branding & Messaging Audit

We’ll review your client experience to make sure it’s delivering on your promises and creating lasting value. Here you will leave with a clear vision of how you can ensure that every single client has a 5- star experience with you. 

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We’ll put your branding and messaging under a microscope to ensure they’re perfectly aligned with your vision and goals. Here you will leave with clarity on what separates you from the pack and how to really lean into what makes you so uniquely qualified to do what you do. 

The Four Step Process

Client Experience Enhancement

Sales Funnel Optimization

Pricing & Packages Review

From inquiry to booked client, we’ll examine your sales funnel to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement. Here you will leave with custom email templates and scripts to implement immediately. 

We’ll assess your prices and packages to ensure they feel right for you and support your business objectives. Here you will leave with goal- aligned packages and a clear understanding of how many you need to sell. 

You are an MLM business or work in the diet industry

You want to find ways to outsource using cheap exploitative labor

You need help setting up the BEGINNING stages of your business 

Your schedule doesn't allow for 10-15 hours of work within one week. 

Hyper Focus Week is NOT for you if - 

You work best in short sprints of hyper focus than a slow and steady approach 

Long term coaching or mentoring feels too intimidating because you worry you'll loose interest

You find yourself constantly comparing your business to others’.

You have a business, but something feels off and you're not making the salary you want.

Hyper Focus Week IS for you if - 

You want to work with someone who is focused solely on you and your business and sharing attention in a group setting

You want to make your brand or your business just like mine. This program is for you to make your business more YOU. 

With years of experience in the wedding industry, I know what it takes to create a thriving business that doesn’t look like anyone else's.

Expert Guidance:

 We’ll address your unique challenges and goals, making sure every minute is valuable. I also have over a decade of experience in education. I know how to tailor our session to your needs.

Tailored Support:

Our focused session means you’ll see tangible results quickly.

Immediate Impact:

Why Choose a Hyper-Focus Week

Note: Exact times and dates may be flexible to suit your needs.
Week 1
Pre-Work Submission: Submit all your pre-work to me (1-2 hours of work).
Thursday:  We start with a Zoom call from 8:30 AM to noon, diving deep into the inner workings of your business. We’ll discuss everything thoroughly and outline the tasks you need to complete. post call I recommend a nap, although you might be too excited and motivated to rest!
Friday: Focus on completing all the tasks we discussed and upload everything to a shared Google Drive.
Week 2
Tuesday: Submit your completed work. Your deadline is 5 PM. This will allow me to review and provide feedback.
Wednesday: I’ll review all your submissions and provide detailed feedback via a Loom video.
Friday: Your Deadline to implement the feedback and complete all your tasks. Once you’re done, send me a message to let me know, so we can celebrate your success as you head into the weekend!

And every work day along the way you will get a morning message from me to keep you motivated. 

Do you often find yourself starting projects but never finishing them? My Hyper-Focus Weeks are designed with you in mind. Tailored for neurodiverse brands, these weeks are built to keep you motivated and engaged. If you struggle to complete tasks with extended deadlines, this might be the perfect fit for you. In just one week, we’ll start and complete all your business growth projects, ensuring you stay on track and achieve your goals.

HFW is a Business sprint


Let’s Get Started:
Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Book your Half-Day Intensive now and begin your journey of business growth

Post-Session Support:
Have questions after our session? No problem! For one week after our intensive, you can submit any additional questions or materials for feedback. Simply upload everything to a shared Google Drive, and I will review it all and provide detailed feedback via a Loom video.

How We Make It Happen:
Preparation is key. Before our session, you'll complete some pre-work (taking about 30-90 minutes) to help us hit the ground running. This ensures we make the most of our time together.

I would love to spend a day with you getting aligned. 

Ready for a Refresh?

Are you always starting projects and never finishing them? My hyper-focus weeks are built with you in mind. In just one week, we will start and complete your business growth projects. This week is designed to get and keep your attention so you can finally check off your to-do list. 

Are you
ready to hyper focus with me?

Apply today