Creative entrepreneurs tell us again and again that their biggest hurdle to marketing is this: They’re afraid of annoying their audience. The marketing Rule of 7 sheds some light on the reality of speaking directly – and frequently – about your offer. (Spoiler alert: It’s a good thing!)

The Marketing Rule of 7

The marketing Rule of 7 states that a potential client needs to be exposed to your offer seven times before taking action. In the case of service providers, that action usually would be submitting an inquiry. Let’s explore where this idea comes from and what it means for you.

In the days of Pinterest and social media, a lot of “rules” float around the internet. The marketing Rule of 7 is based on actual research conducted by movie executives in the 1930s. They found that audiences needed to see an ad for a movie seven times before heading to the theaters.

Almost one hundred years later, marketers still give credence to this idea. The internet has accelerated the pace of most things, though, and the need for seven exposures to your brand might become five or even three. It’s safe to say that people need to see your offer multiple times before actually inquiring.

What It Means for Your Business

While it’s not helpful to take the marketing Rule of 7 too literally, a lot of small business owners find it helpful. In particular, you don’t have to worry about annoying people by talking about your offer too much. It helps people make decisions and keeps you at top of mind. 

In a Launch

The length of your launch will be a big factor in determining how you’ll apply the marketing Rule of 7. Do you prefer a short launch period? It’s ideal to have several touch points with your audience each day. Think an email, a Reel, and a TikTok. (This is just an example, not a mandate to get on TikTok if it’s not your jam!) Keep in mind that your audiences may overlap across those channels, but you’ll inevitably have people encountering only one of those pieces of content.

If you’re doing a longer launch, you can spread touch points out a little more. It all depends on how you’re building your goals. Do you have early bird pricing? Are there limited spaces available? Whatever the nuances, talk about it often, and think about how you’re leading potential clients through the sales funnel.

In Maintenance Periods

When you’re not in a launch period, it helps to remind your audience of the specifics of your services periodically. Just because you remember the ins and outs of your business doesn’t mean your Instagram followers do. If you have trouble being direct, you’re not alone. We recommend at least one monthly email and a few weekly social media posts sharing concrete details about your offer and the benefits. We send a direct ask to our email list monthly, and it always yields positive results. (You can hop on our list here for SEO and ethical marketing content!)

Marketing across Multiple Channels

The old adage holds true for marketing: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. The marketing Rule of 7 shows us why it’s important to put our offer in front of potential clients frequently. That’s easier to achieve and more effective when you get in front of those folks on multiple channels. 

For example, a business coach could target their ideal audience with social media posts, SEO blogging, email marketing, and Pinterest. They could repurpose one piece of content to create all of this marketing, and they would get in front of their audience at different times. In other words, they could stay at top of mind regardless of which channel potential clients were on. 

TLDR: The marketing Rule of 7 tells us that people often need to see an offer multiple times before they make a purchase. The more you get your offer in front of your potential clients on different channels, the more likely your marketing will be successful.

Do you want to make SEO blogging part of your strategy for connecting potential clients? Consistent SEO blogging is the most accessible and effective way to grow your SEO for your small business. Brandcendent specializes in on-brand, optimized blog posts that drive dreamy leads. Reach out to learn how we can help you!

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