When we first started learning about SEO, it felt like a bit of a cryptic puzzle. After all, Google considers over 200 factors in its algorithm. Blogging changed everything. We realized that most small businesses don’t have to do an intense SEO overhaul to get ranking on Google. It’s more manageable to rethink what they’re trying to rank for in the first place. 

Ranking on Google with Less Competitive Keywords 

As entrepreneurs, we often want our businesses to appear in searches for highly competitive keywords. Those keywords usually include an industry or profession (e.g. “copywriter”) and sometimes a geographical (i.g. “New Jersey photographer”). It tends to be tough to rank highly for them. Many people publish content targeting these keywords. Those businesses who can afford it hire SEO copywriters to write long-form content to boost their ranking on Google. 

So what can a small business do to start ranking on Google? You don’t need to give up targeting your competitive keyword if it’s the most meaningful and descriptive for your business. If you’re a New York florist, optimize your home page for that. The real strategy comes in with blogging. 

Blogging allows you to target less competitive keywords related to your main keywords. Google wants to see that you have a network of related information relevant to your main keywords. Keyword research helps you identify the keywords that will support your goals. A florist might want to target keywords related to wedding venues, floral styles, floral installations, etc. We use Ubersuggest for keyword research. (You can check out our how-to guide to using Ubersuggest here.) 

Long-term Improvements for Your SEO 

One benefit of this approach is that your optimized blog posts will improve your site’s overall domain authority. Publishing regularly accounts for over a quarter of Google’s algorithm, so blogging can be really powerful. You eventually might find that you’re ranking on Google for a competitive keyword. A little keyword strategy goes a long way!

Aside from improving your domain authority and overall ranking on Google in the long term, blogging can be a shortcut to connect with your ideal client. People aren’t always searching the terms you would expect. For example, “Austin videographer” has a relatively low search volume. “Austin wedding venues,” on the other hand, has a huge search volume and is relatively easy to rank for. It would make sense to create a blog post around that keyword as a way of driving organic traffic to a wedding videographer’s website.

Curious how ranking on Google could transform your marketing and sales? At Brandcendent, we provide trauma-informed business coaching and ethical copywriting services to connect entrepreneurs with their dream clients. Reach out to learn more today! 

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