For new businesses and those expanding beyond their current capacity, a website is almost an inevitability. You need a digital presence to get found and, in some cases, taken seriously by potential clients. In the fast-changing world of digital marketing, SEO blogging remains one of the most powerful, consistent ways of driving organic traffic. Blogging features then become an important aspect of picking your website platform. This post explores the pros and cons of Squarespace for bloggers. Squarespace has earned a reputation for a user-friendly interface and sleek designs. The picture gets a little more complicated if you’re focusing on blogging and SEO capabilities. This post will help you decide if Squarespace is right for your business.

Pros of Using Squarespace for Bloggers

Squarespace was designed to be easy-to-use for your average person (read: not techies). That alone makes it appealing to a lot of small businesses. Here are the biggest pros of Squarespace for bloggers. 

  • User-Friendly Interface: When you’re building a website or customizing a template, you can use the drag-and-drop editor. You don’t need any coding knowledge to make things look nice. The blog is pretty intuitive in terms of adding text and different kinds of media.
  • Beautiful Templates: Gorgeous Squarespace templates are easy to find. You know your blog will look good. That’s a big plus for creative entrepreneurs and small businesses who focus on aesthetics. 
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Mobile load times (how fast a web page loads on a mobile device) are critical for ranking on Google. Squarespace ensures that blogs are optimized for mobile devices. This provides a seamless browsing experience for readers on smartphones and tablets.
  • Built-in Analytics: Google Search Console will always give you the most comprehensive picture of your analytics. Squarespace does offer built-in analytics that can be helpful for bloggers tracking traffic and engagement metrics, too.

Cons of Using Squarespace for Bloggers

There are some downsides to using Squarespace for bloggers. Here are the major ones.

  • Limited Customization: If you want to have complete control over your blog, Squarespace probably isn’t for you. The easy-to-use interface actually limits customization options. 
  • Cost: Squarespace for bloggers can be a bit more expensive than website platforms like Wix. If you’re planning on using this site to grow your business, though, it could be worth the cost.
  • Learning Curve: While Squarespace is user-friendly compared to other platforms, you still have to take time to get to know it. If you’re new to website building, give yourself grace.
  • Inconvenient Alt Text: Since you’re reading about Squarespace for bloggers, my guess is that you want to get found on Google. Alt text is critical for that. Squarespace allows you to add alt text, but the process is incredibly tedious compared to Showit and WordPress. 

Note: Regardless of which platform you choose, alt text is a critical component of SEO blogging. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be as complicated as it sounds. I’ve created a free guide to alt text for beginners. Download Alt Text 101 and connect with your dream clients on Google!

Squarespace SEO Features

Squarespace offers blogging and SEO features that even new bloggers should prioritize:

  • Content Management: Squarespace makes it easy to create and schedule posts, categorize content, and manage comments.
  • Image Management: Squarespace includes image editing and optimization features. This helps your blog look good and supports your SEO goals.
  • SEO-friendly URLs: Squarespace automatically generates URLs according to your blog post title. I recommend editing the slug to be just your keyword, not the whole title, though.
  • Meta Tags and Descriptions: Bloggers can customize meta tags and descriptions for each blog post. That makes posts easier for search engines to find and increases click through rates.
  • Mobile Optimization: Again, since Squarespace optimizes for mobile, it helps your SEO rankings.

The Right Blogging Platform for Your Small Business

Overall, I’d recommend Squarespace for bloggers who want to keep things simple. If you want a lot of control over your SEO and design, it’s worth considering other platforms before making your final decision. Ultimately, you should pick whichever platform best supports your business’s goals.

Now that you have a clearer picture of what Squarespace offers, you might be curious to compare it to other platforms. You should definitely know all of your options. As a pro SEO blogger, I’ve worked on all of the most popular platforms. Showit and Squarespace are the best, in my opinion. Check out this blog post for a comparison of Showit vs Squarespace for bloggers.

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