A lot of entrepreneurs hesitate to dive into SEO marketing because it’s so technical. The truth is that, while there are highly technical pieces, a lot of it comes down to engaging writing. These approachable and unexpected tips for SEO content writing will help you connect with your dream clients.

5 Tips for SEO Content Writing

1.Know your marketing goals.

Tips for SEO content writing should always start with your marketing goals. SEO is a tool for connecting with your ideal client. Before you create website copy or blog posts, ask yourself what you want people to do. Do you want them to sign up for your email list? Inquire for your services? Begin writing with that goal in mind.

Knowing your marketing goals will also help you create a meaningful keyword strategy to attract the right audience. Say, for example, that you’re a wedding photographer who would like to get leads for more clients. You might write a blog post forecasting wedding trends to get in front of marriers. You wouldn’t necessarily write a how-to post about a photography trend. That’s more likely to draw clicks from peers who aren’t going to inquire about your services.

2. Develop your brand voice. 

Sometimes entrepreneurs hesitate to pursue tips for SEO content writing because it feels like there’s a sea of optimized copy out there. That’s one reason it’s so important to create your content using your unique brand voice. If you sound different on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), you’ll have an easier time standing out from competitors. Remember that the goal of your brand voice isn’t to drive every single person to click. It’s to connect with your ideal client. You can learn more about developing your brand voice here.

3. Figure out your clients’ processes. 

Ideally, SEO helps you jump the line figuratively. If you know what your clients are searching before they explicitly seek your services, you can get ahead of your competition. That’s why my tips for SEO content writing for wedding professionals always includes blogging about venues. Marriers often search for venues before they begin looking for photographers. Business coaches can also get in front of competition by creating SEO content around business strategy and other questions that lead clients to seek their services.

4. Make it readable.

One of the most important tips for SEO content writing isn’t obviously about SEO: Make your content for humans, not Google’s spiders. We’ve all ended up on sites that don’t actually answer the question we asked Google. Sometimes the pages are full of ads and confusing copy, as if they were written just to generate clicks. In fact, they may have been. Google has gotten significantly better at downgrading these pages. They’ve still left users with a bad taste in their mouth. Be clear. Use helpful subheadings. Provide the information you promise with your page title, and do it with minimal jargon.

On that same note, easily readable content is less likely to get flagged as AI-generated. Google has categorized AI-generated content as spam. If you’re not into the technical side of SEO, it might be surprising that Google can use computer algorithms to analyze language so precisely. Even if you used AI to create the base copy for a blog post, for example, you would need to optimize that copy. As powerful as AI is, it still hasn’t figured out how to create optimized content. 

TLDR: SEO content should be written by humans for humans.

5. Bring it back to your solutions.

We’re bringing it full circle with this final tip for SEO content writing. Whether you’re creating optimized website copy or blog posts, show readers the solutions you can offer. Calls to action (CTAs) don’t need to be long or complicated, but you do need them. If you’re a service provider, CTAs might include:

  • Encouraging inquiries
  • Asking people to join your email list
  • Exploring examples of past work for clients

If you sell products, your CTAs might include:

  • Having people click to another page to learn about your mission or values
  • Listing the products featured in a post, so people can click directly to them for purchase.

Whatever your goals are, remember that SEO content is marketing content. Don’t be afraid to tell people what you’d like them to do.

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Do you want support creating SEO-powered content that connects you with dreamy clients? At Brandcendent, we specialize in SEO blogging and website copywriting. Reach out to learn how we can help you today!

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