Since launching blogging services through House of Nash, I’ve learned that my success is founded on two things: my endless fascination with writing and my dogged commitment to data. I take my promises to my clients very seriously, and tracking the hard numbers is the only tangible way to know if my SEO-driven approach works. Based on my data review of the past six months of client blogs, I’ve come up with three tips for successful blogging.

3 Tips for Successful Blogging

I identified three trends among my most successful clients. Applying them to your blog is sure to help improve your content marketing strategy – and connect you to your ideal clients.

1. Publish on your blog regularly.

I know I have said it before, but the numbers back me up! You have to publish regularly to climb the rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). My only clients whose blog posts didn’t remain steady or improve in rankings were folks who went long stretches without publishing anything. Those who published regularly had a much easier time climbing rankings and generating traffic.

If you need guidance on how often to blog, check out this blog post. Figure out a publishing schedule that’s sustainable for you. Then stick to it as best you can. 

2. Work towards a solid backlog of blog posts.

Once you’re publishing regularly, this tip for successful blogging will feel less intimidating. My clients whose blog posts improved in rankings the fastest had a history of blogging. This was true even if they didn’t blog super consistently previous to working with House of Nash. 

I find it helpful to think of blogging as a practice. You don’t have to be perfect right out of the gate. (This is also what gets me through challenging yoga classes.) The point is that having a backlog of blogs improves your SEO by establishing your authority on a topic.

How many blog posts do you actually need? A HubSpot report showed steep gains in traffic for websites once they published at least 20 blog posts. The same study reported an equivalent increase in leads generated. Again don’t be discouraged by this number. Blogging is a long game, but the results are so worth it.

3. Focus on leads over vanity metrics.

People sometimes have the most difficulty with this tip for successful blogging. As helpful as it is to track blog post rankings, the real point of blogging is to generate leads from your dream client. Blogging is marketing after all! Some of my clients don’t have highly ranking blog posts; however, they have seen a noticeable increase in leads (and bookings) from Google. 

This might seem counterintuitive at first, but it makes sense in the bigger picture of Google’s algorithm. Publishing regularly improves your SEO, which helps potential clients find you on SERPs. Even if an individual blog post doesn’t rank highly, it’s still working for you! 
Blogging is an incredibly powerful tool for generating leads for work that excites you. Consider outsourcing your blogging with House of Nash. I use my expertise in writing and SEO to create on-brand content that connects with your dream clients. Reach out today to get started on your journey to SEO-driven blogging!

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