Marketing a small business takes a lot of time and energy. Even if you love the thrill of getting in front of potential clients, time-consuming marketing strategies only get you so far. At some point, most entrepreneurs want a different way to connect with ideal clients. Passive marketing turns most small business marketing on its head. The goal is to put optimized content and automated systems in place so that you can focus on other things, whether that’s your business or the nap you’ve been talking about but never seem to get around to. In this blog post, we share our top three passive marketing strategies to support you in creating a more low-maintenance business.
Passive Marketing vs Active Marketing
Many small businesses use active marketing. This is typically responsive. For example, you see someone asking for a service in a Facebook group and promote your business in the thread. This requires you to search out the people in need of your services.
In other cases, active marketing requires cold calling. Sales people reach out to prospects whom they’ve never spoken with before. Today this tends to look more like cold emails. If a VA has used your website contact form to pitch to you, you’ve been on the receiving end of this active marketing strategy.
Passive marketing, on the other hand, is anticipatory. First, you need to figure out what your clients are looking for in the process that leads them to you. Then you put valuable content into the world where potential clients can find it – and you. While passive marketing does require some setup, it saves you invaluable time in the long run. It also tends to be less expensive, involving a one-time or more intermittent investment.

Our 3 Favorite Passive Marketing Strategies
1 Email Marketing with Nurture Sequences
A nurture sequence is a series of emails that automatically send after someone opts into your email list. Freebies tend to be the most effective way to build an email list. With nurture sequences, you set it up once and let it run for you. The goal of your emails can be anything from booking sales calls to selling products. They’re structured to introduce people to your brand, generate interest, and convert.
If you want to learn more about email marketing with nurture sequences, check out our free mini training! We show you how nurture sequences guide clients through the sales funnel for you. Watch it here.
2 Compelling – and Optimized – Website Copy
The best passive marketing strategies make it easy for your clients to find you rather than the other way around. Optimized website copy speaks Google’s language. Putting validated keywords in all the right places gives you a better chance of showing up on search engine results pages (SERPs). When you combine that with carefully crafted messaging, you’ll attract leads from clients who align with you.
3 SEO Blogging
SEO blogging is content marketing based around keywords related to your services. This passive marketing strategy allows you to target more keywords than your main web pages do. You have a better chance of putting out content that gets in front of potential clients.
If you want to grow your organic traffic, SEO blogging is the single most impactful thing you can do. Publishing relevant content regularly accounts for 26% of Google’s algorithm. It takes time to see results from SEO blogging, but it pays dividends with blog posts having a potential lifespan of over a year. That’s more than any ad can boast.

Do you want to create a passive marketing strategy for your business? At Brandcendent, we specialize in low-maintenance marketing that’s aligned to your humanity. We can support you with custom nurture sequences, SEO blogging, optimized web copy, and more. Reach out to learn more!
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