Small business owners wear a lot of hats, including that of Chief Marketing Officer. When you’re working solo or with a small team, managing a blog and assorted social media accounts can be overwhelming. Repurposing content can be a helpful way to simplify your marketing without compromising effectiveness. Here’s our streamlined strategy to repurpose content across five channels.

Why Repurpose Content Across Platforms 

Do you like coming up with brand new content every time you write a new blog post or create a new Reel? Most people find it exhausting, and it’s unsustainable for many people. That doesn’t make you wrong or bad at business! It makes you human. Instead, strategize around what marketing practices are sustainable for you. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel for every blog post, social media video, and Pinterest pin. This is the beauty of repurposing content.

Another reason that repurposing content is so helpful is that it helps you create consistency for your brand. Your brand pillars stay cohesive when you’re communicating the same message on social media and blog. Since your content marketing should be adding value through education, you can establish your expertise on a topic and share helpful tips wherever you’re interacting with potential customers.

This strategy also increases your return on investment for any time and/or money you spend blogging. If you hire a copywriter or take the time to write a powerful blog post that adds a lot of value for potential clients, you can make the most of it by creating Reels, TikToks, and Pins that either drive traffic to your post or simply share the content in smaller bites. I always tell my blogging clients that they’re not just getting blogs from me. They’re getting Pins and video scripts too.

How I Repurpose Content 

Now for our strategy to repurpose content! I follow these steps to streamline our content marketing for Brandcendent. It has saved us a lot of time and energy.

1. Start with a blog post.

Because SEO is my preferred mode of marketing, I start with a blog post. (You don’t have to start here, but I recommend it’s somewhere in your content marketing workflow.) Starting with a blog post helps me organize the information I want to share with my audience. Later on, it’s easier to break it down into bite-size pieces for social media posts. Recently, I wrote a blog post about the most effective types of blog posts for photographers.

2. Use it in email marketing.

I love email marketing almost as much as I love SEO. What a great way to cultivate a sustained relationship with current and former clients (who could always return)! Typically, I turn to the weekly Brandcendent email as the first place to repurpose content. I took my blog post and summarized it in an email. I included a link to the blog post but also used it as an opportunity to include a call to action for people to check out my Blogging Pricing Guide.

3. Make it a Reel (and a TikTok if that’s your thing).

After that, I repackaged the key takeaways into a Reel for Instagram. I use Splice to edit videos and format them for the Instagram app. You can post videos to TikTok too. TikTok users tend not to like direct sales, so content marketing is perfect for that platform.

4. Post a carousel.

Yes, Instagram is an ecommerce and video platform now. Entrepreneurs I’ve talked to have found that carousels still get a worthwhile amount of saves. If you’re worried about posting the same content in a Reel and carousel, just remember that thanks to the fickle and frustrating algorithm, it’s unlikely that most of your audience will actually see both of them.

5. Pin it.

Any time you blog something, you should Pin it. I always say photographers are lucky here because they can Pin the images in their blog posts and work quickly that way. The rest of us have to throw together graphics in Canva. It doesn’t take long and can drive traffic if you do it regularly.

Keeping the Nuances of Each Platform in Mind 

Are you excited to turn one piece of content marketing into five? Great! There’s just one thing you should keep in mind before you repurpose content. Each platform has its own nuances that should inform how your repurposed content takes shape. For example, Instagram prefers that you don’t post Reels with the TikTok watermark. You can get around this by making videos with apps like Splice. Blog post keywords also tend to differ slightly from Pinterest keywords. (Yes, Pinterest is a search engine that uses keywords, NOT a social media platform.) You’ll get the hang of all of this in time. 

You also may find that some marketing channels just don’t take priority. I’m so bad at posting to Pinterest consistently, even to repurpose content. It’s ok because I’m consistent with blogging and email marketing. You’ll find what works for you. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same as what works for someone else.

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